Deep Thought

"A man would do nothing, if he waited until he could do it so well that no one would find fault with what he has done"
- Cardinal Newman

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Path

The path is a beautiful one
Regularly taken by all
Written by God, they say
Where a  flourishing future is certain
"We all shall walk on this"
That's what my ancestors say

While I look beyond the horizon
An act forbidden
I see the blue clouds afloat
Above another path; right next to ours
"We all shall walk on this"
That's what my ancestors say.

I keep walking here; where everyone does
My eyes still hover over the path running parallel
The colorful flowers are blooming too
Suddenly my adrenaline rushes
"We all shall walk on this"
That's what my ancestors say

Much time has passed
I keep my feelings trapped
Now the path comes in my dreams
Often talks to me; provokes me
Is this hallucination?
"We all shall walk on this"
That's what my ancestors say.

My mind now deviate from the old path
'Confused the child is, Shall come back soon', says my ancestors
But they don't know, where my heart had laid
My feet start walking towards the flowers
My soul keeps moving towards the shining stars
Before I could know, my path had changed
"We all shall walk on this"
That's what my ancestors say.

This is my path now
A more colorful one
Taken by none
Written by oneself, they say
Where flourishing mind is certain
"We all shall walk where our hearts lay"
They now say.


  1. 'we all shall walk where our hearts lay'

    lovely :)

  2. @Hardik
    And your photos make my blog glowww! thanks for those! and comment too :) :)
    Its a comforting feeling when you like my writings :)

  3. @Himanshu
    Okaayyy!! Bring it for me anyday! :D

  4. as Hardik said, 'we all shall walk where our hearts lay.'
    awesome stuff !! :-)

    btw, taking this line :D

    1. @Jagpreet
      Thankss! :) and yes, you can take any line which you like! :))

  5. amazing fvrt..its simply outstanding..:) wish i cud write like ds smday..:D

    1. @Sudhanshu
      I feel rejuvenated you left me a comment after such a long time (a year I would assume), Thank you for that, seriously.
      And no need to write like me, be yourself, you write amazingly well! and touching! :D
